Smida, Matej2024-01-302024-01-3020231336-91482453-7845 historica neosoliensia, 26/1, 2023This thesis discusses the basic options of work in an application Transkribus, about its benefits, pitfalls and innovations that we presented in the selected sample of archival documents with the topic of citizen complaints du-ring the governance of the Communist party in Czechoslovakia in the 1948-1989. Gradually we have documented the process of working with historical sources in Transkribus, preparation, transcription and the results. Because we focused on typewritten documents only, we compared the results with other ways and op-tions of transcription, we evaluated their usability, which leads to interesting conclusions and results. The thesis is also supported by statistical indicators and pictorial schedules on the basis of which we have did specific conclusions. In the thesis we also present the issue of citizen complaints as a topic of historical re-search.skCC BY Creative Commons Attribution („uvedenie autora“) transcriptiondigital humanitiescitizen complaintstypewritten documentsMožnosti automatickej transkripcie v platforme Transkribus na príklade správ o vybavovaní sťažností občanov v období komunistickej diktatúryArticle