Tokovská, MiroslavaŠolcová, JanaŠeben Zaťková, TímeaSirotová, MarianaJurinová, JanaDoktorová, DominikaMichvocíková, VeronikaSiantová, GabrielaHosťovecký, MariánÖlvecký, MiroslavKurajda, LukášVyskočová, BarboraNeslušanová, AnnaBeňová, MáriaŽiaková, MartinaTokovská, Miroslava (ed.)Šolcová, Jana (ed.)Šeben Zaťková, Tímea (ed.)2024-08-132024-08-132024TOKOVSKÁ, Miroslava; ŠOLCOVÁ, Jana and Tímea ŠEBEN ZAŤKOVÁ (eds.). University enhancing the smart active ageing: final project report. Online. Belianum. Matej Bel University Press, 2024. Available at: 2024.9788055721460. [cited].978-80-557-2146-0 report from the project has been prepared by a Slovak-Norwegian multidisciplinary team of university lecturers, based on an initiative to promote the development of closer cooperation between Slovakia and Norway. The strengthenin of bilateral cooperation between Slovakia and Norway is focused at the institutional level between higher education institutions, secondary schools and the priváte sector (BIN SGS02 'University Enhancing the Smart Active Ageing', supported by Norway through Norway Grants) with the aim of increasing the quality and importance of education and training in Slovakia in the area of welfare technologies and assistance to older adults and sick people in independent living.enCC BY Creative Commons Attribution („uvedenie autora“) adultssmart technologyeducationUniversity Enhancing the Smart Active Ageing – Final Project ReportBook